E1 Treaty Trader Green Card Process

Learn About E1 Treaty Trader Green Card Process And E1 Visa Extension

Applying For The E1 Visa

To apply for an E1 US visa, you must first establish that the trading enterprise meets the requirements of the law. You may also be required to provide evidence demonstrating that your stay in the U.S. will be temporary.


Your E1 US visa application must include:

Duration of Stay

The E1 US visa, initially, is generally issued for a five-year period. E1 Visa holders are generally granted 2 year of authorized stay upon entry into the U.S. You can obtain E1 status extensions for up to two years at a time from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Since there is no limit on the number of extensions you may obtain, you can stay in the U.S. indefinitely.

Spouse and Children

Spouses and/or children under the age of 21 who wish to accompany or join you in the U.S. for the duration of your stay can apply for E1 visas. Your spouse may also be eligible to take up employment during his/her stay in the U.S. by applying for an employment authorization document.

GreenCardPro’s Guarantee

We thoroughly review your circumstances, select appropriate visa and submit an accurate application to the necessary Government Agencies.

What GreenCardPro Customers Are Saying

Knowledgeable, fast, courteous, efficient are all words that describe the services I received from GreenCardPro. They were very helpful in all phases of the H-1B Green Card Process and they got it right the first time. I have tried other Visa services, but GreenCardPro is the best by far. GreenCardPro is the only way to go!”